WHMCS Addon development

20 Sep

WHMCS Addon development

WHMCS addon can be used to develop additional features in your WHMCS.

Here briefly explaining steps required to develop a simple addon, that just print some strings.
That’s enough to get started. After developing this simple addon you can move on to complex addons.

Addon name and folder name

Name of addon do have importance while developing a WHMCS addon.
Let’s name our addon as hello_world.

Then we have to create a folder named hello_world.
Within the folder, develop a file named hello_world.php.
Name used for the folder and file is hello_world, which is the name of the addon.
We have to upload the folder to the WHMCS folder /modules/addons/.

Functions to be defined in hello_world.php

We have to define some functions in the file hello_world.php.
Prefix for those functions should be same as the addon name.
As our addon name is hello_world, prefix for those functions
must be hello_world_.

Those functions are listed below.


This function just returns an array.
Here we define addon name, version author etc.

function hello_world_config() {
    $configarray = array(
        "name" => "My first whmcs addon",
        "description" => "Just a sample addon, that just prints some strings",
        "version" => "1.0",
        "author" => "WHMCSTools.com",
        "language" => "english",
    return $configarray;


This function is called when the addon module is activated from the admin side.
We can write table creation code within the function.

function hello_world_activate () {
    return array(
        'status' => 'success',
        'description' => 'Addon activated'


This function is called when we are deactivating the addon from the admin side.
All addon table drop code should be added here.

function hello_world_deactivate() {
    return array(
        'status' => 'success',
        'description' => 'Addon deactivated'


Code written within this function will be executed when we take the url

function hello_world_output($vars) {
    echo "just printing this in admin side";


This function is called when we take the url,

To display some contents in the client area, we have to create a smarty tpl file.
In the function hello_world_clientarea, we specified tpl file name as
‘templatefile’ => ‘template/clienthome’. So we have to create a folder named
template inside the folder /modules/addons/hello_world.
Then we have to create a file named clienthome.tpl in the folder template.
Note that we specified templatefile as ‘templatefile’ => ‘template/clienthome’, (no extension here) but we created file name as template/clienthome.tpl with the extension .tpl.

We have to pass parameters to the tpl file from the function hello_world_clientarea.
In the function we are passing the smarty key value pair as shown below.

'vars' => array(
            'name' => 'X ',
            'address' => 'Y',
            'phone' => 'Z',

Then in the tpl file we just have to write {$name} to display the name.

function hello_world_clientarea($vars) {
    $modulelink = $vars['modulelink'];
    return array(
        'pagetitle' => 'Addon Module',
        'breadcrumb' => array('index.php?m=hello_world'=>'Hello World Addon'),
        'templatefile' => 'template/clienthome', #smarty file name without .tpl extension
        'requirelogin' => true, # accepts true/false
        'forcessl' => false, # accepts true/false
        'vars' => array(  #smarty key value pair
            'name' => 'X ',
            'address' => 'Y',
            'phone' => 'Z',

Content of the file template/clienthome.tpl is

    <h4> My Details </h4>

        <li>My name is : {$name} </li>
       <li>My address is : {$address} </li>
        <li>My phone number is : {$phone} </li>

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