Month: November 2016

24 Nov

Simplify Commerce Basics Using PHP SDK

Simplify Commerce is a payment gateway brought to you by MasterCard.
They have SDK for most of the programming languages. Here i am going to explain about PHP SDK of the Simplify Commerce. Using Simplify Commerce we can do payments using token. With this approach we don’t have to pass card number and also we are not storing the cc number in the database.

First of all you have to download the SDK and include it in your code as shown below. Link to download the SDK is

require_once 'Simplify.php'

In your Simplify account, you will have public key and private key for both live and sandbox. For testing use sandbox keys and when you go live have to use the live keys.

        require_once 'Simplify.php'
                $pub_key = $sandbox_pubkey;
                $prive_key $sandbox_privkey;
        } else {
                $pub_key = $live_pubkey;
                $prive_key = $live_privkey;
                Simplify::$publicKey = $pub_key;
                Simplify::$privateKey = $prive_key;
        }catch (Simplify_ApiException $e) {

How to get Simplify token?

You can create a token that can be used only once using the below code. You won’t be able to use the token more than once.

  $card = array(
      'addressState' => $state,
      'expMonth' => $exp_m,
      'expYear' => $exp_y,
      'addressCity' => $city,
      'cvc' => $cvc,
      'number' => $card_num
  try {
        $cardToken =  Simplify_CardToken::createCardToken(
              'card' => $card 
        $token = $cardToken->id;
  } catch (Simplify_ApiException $e) {
        die( $e->getMessage());

How to create a customer using the simplify token?
You can create a customer using the below code. You can see that we are using the token created. The below API will return a customer id
and we can use that for multiple transactions. Even though the token id can be used only once, the customer id can be used many times.

try {
    $data = array(
        'token' => $token,
        'email' => $email,
        'name' =>  $name,
        'reference' => $reference
    $customer = Simplify_Customer::createCustomer(
    $customer_id = $customer->id;
}catch (Simplify_ApiException $e){
    die( $e->getMessage());

How to make a payment using the simplify customer id?
The sample payment code is below. One important point to remember is, if you want to make a payment of $10, then we have to pass amount as
10 * 100, not 10. So for $10, we have pass amount as 1000 and currency as USD. We have to pass the $customer_id we generated in the previous step. We can pass anything as reference. Normally we pass order id or invoice id as reference.

$payment_data = array(
    'amount' =>  $amount * 100,
    'customer' => $customer_id,
    'description' => $description,
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'reference' => $invoice_id
try {
   $payment = Simplify_Payment::createPayment(
} catch (Simplify_ApiException $e) {
   die( $e->getMessage());

How to add a monthly subscription for the simplify customer id?
You can add a recurring payment from a customer as below.
amount and customer id, we already discussed in the above step.
If the customer will pay monthly, we have to set frequency as MONTHLY and frequencyPeriod as 1. If the customer will pay bimonthly then frequency should be MONTHLY and frequencyPeriod should be 2.
For semiannual payments set frequency=MONTHLY, frequencyPeriod=6.

Possible values for frequency are DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY.

$subscription_data = array(
   'amount' =>  $amount * 100,
   'customer' => $customer_id,
   'frequency' => $frequency,
   'name' => $name,
   'frequencyPeriod' => $frequencyPeriod
try {
   $subscription  = Simplify_Subscription::createSubscription(
} catch (Simplify_ApiException $e) {
   die( $e->getMessage());

Developed a WHMCS payment gateway module using the Simplify Commerce PHP SDK. Please contact me if you need it.

23 Nov

How can i submit a form using button class?

Assume that the form is as shown below.
Id of the form is block_form, and also we added a class named
block to the button.

<form id="block_form" method="post">		
	<input type="hidden" name="server_ip" value="y.y.y.y">
	<button class="btn btn-danger block" type="submit">Block</button>

Using Jquery we can submit the form by binding the class name to the click event. You can see the code for the form submition below.

$( ".block" ).click(function(event) {
	$.post( "ajax.php", 
		'action=block&'+ $('#block_form').serialize(),
		function( data ) {

16 Nov

Is Single Page Checkout Possible With WHMCS?

In WHMCS, when you try to order for a product.Assume that you are a logged in customer.How many steps are there now?

1)First you have to go to products display page.
Url will be http://[]/cart.php

2)If you click on “Order Now” Button of a Hosting product, You will be taken to a product configuration page. Url will be: http://[]/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=[x]

3)Then on clicking “Continue” You will be taken to a Review & Checkout Page.

4)On clicking Checkout Button, you will be taken to payment method selection page.

5)After selecting payment, you can click on the ‘Complete Order’ Button. That will place an order.

So total 5 steps are there.

Is it possible to do it in a single step? In other words, is one page checkout possible in WHMCS? Yes, it is possible. We have to use a hook for the purpose. In addition to that we have to make some changes for the template.

The hook should have some ajax post code. Sample code is below. The code will add the product to the cart before submitting the order form.

     $.post('cart.php', 'ajax=1&amp;a=confproduct&amp;' +
         function(data) {
           if (!data) {

We have a ready made single page checkout order form, with one time cost of $120.

To view a demo, please go to the video
We are adding more features and making the no #1 single page checkout module for WHMCS.

If you purchase this module
1) Free support for 6 months
2) Free bug fixes
3) Future updates for free of cost
4) Discount for any WHMCS module development and WHMCS customizations.

please Contact Us by filling the form. We will get back to you asap.

10 Nov

Why no transaction data for a WHMCS order? Why the refund failing?

Even though order is complete, from Billing => Transactions List you might not see any transaction data related to the order.

If you go to admin/configgeneral.php, there is an option Auto Redirect on Checkout. Is the option ‘Automatically forward the user to the payment gateway’ selected? Then during the order, customer must have gone through the payment gateway module code. Even then why no transaction id and other data?

Go to ‘Manage Orders’ from admin side. Is the payment status of the order is complete? Is your refund failing for the invoice of the order? Are you getting the error ‘The refund attempt has failed. Please check the Gateway Log for more information’ when you try to refund?

It’s happening because the customer have some credit balance. The amount is deducted from that for the order.

If you are a developer and would like to test a refund for the payment gateway,you can simply reset the credit balance as zero for the customer.

Then place a new order and refund for that order will work.
To know credit balance of a customer with id [x],
go to the page clientssummary.php?userid=[x]
and search for Credit Balance.

9 Nov

Install Android Studio on CentOS 7

If you have installed CentOS7 on your computer, you can install android studio by just running two scripts. The scripts are given below. If you are not interested to install using the scripts, you can run the commands one by one.

For the installation you have to download jdk-8u101-linux-x64.rpm(for 64 bit) and JDK can be downloaded from the link
Assumed that you installed 64 bit version of CentOS.

Android studio zip file can be downloaded from

Take your terminal and login as root. Move the downloaded files to your /opt folder. Then create and in your /opt folder. Run them as

yum group install -y "Development Tools"
yum install -y glibc.i686
yum install -y
yum remove -y java
cd /opt
yum localinstall -y jdk-8u101-linux-x64.rpm
cd /opt
cd android-studio/bin

Oracle JDK is required for Android, because of that we are removing Open JDK and installing Oracle JDK.

See for more information about that.

5 Nov

How to hide a field from WHMCS register.php?

If you have to remove a form field from the WHMCS register file, How you can do it?

It can be done using a hook named ClientAreaFooterOutput.

Assume that the field’s id is  myfield. Then you can create a file named hook_register_hide.php and place it in include/hooks folder.

add_hook('ClientAreaFooterOutput', 1, function ($vars)
$filename = $vars['filename'];
if($filename == "register") {
$string = "<script type='text/javascript'>";
$string .=  "        $(function() {  ";
$string .= "$('#myfield').addClass('hidden')";
$string .=  "});";
$string .= "</script> ";
return $string;